Shepherds We Shall Be

Shepherds We Shall Be

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter 2011

So yesterday was Easter and it was more dull than I'm used to, but fun nonetheless!
The Easter Bunny brought Steve a basket

yes. that is easter beer lol

And then mine

mmm chocolate

And of course Lestat!
Good Haul!  

So we started the morning off right! Lestat was super excited to pose by his basket! Cooperating for once even though he wasn't feeling too good, what a trooper!
Big Smiles!

tryin to eat through the wrapper!
So as the afternoon went on and Lestat perked up a bit we took him outside to find the easter eggs in our backyard! I was very excited for this now that Lestat is old enough to kind of do it on his own-we helped a little but he was so cute!
Off we go!
So the search began...
 The truck hid some...
The grass hid others...
And Steve helped. I really love this picture of my boys! They're both smiling and I can't get enough of either of them! It's like both halves of my heart are just walking around outside my body!
And THIS is my absolute favorite picture because Lestat found this egg all by himself and for some reason tried to climb to get it! My lil boy is just too damn cute!
 Trippin over more!
And carryin his own basket sometimes! lol
 Up in the tree?
And lookin for more!
 Mommy helped find the last one!
And I got them all!

So our egg hunt was fun but we didn't do an Easter dinner since it's just the 3 of us and Lestat wasn't feelin too hot still. So my Easter was good but kind of dull compared to what I'm used to:
 Holidays are really making me homesick...
 Even though they didn't listen to me much...
I MISS to my Shepherd clan!!!

Family is so important and I hate being so far away but my own little family is full of love and promise so for now it'll do!

Oh, and I made my Daddy's Deviled Eggs. THE END!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Experimenting with my evening...

So I decided today would be a "be my own photographer" kind of night. I wanted some pics for the blog to make it spiffy I suppose lol. Let me just say that setting a timer on all sorts of tables, chairs, or even diaper boxes and getting me AND Lestat into place in ten seconds is a challenge...I did pretty good considering all my practice I suppose.
First up, the some of the reasons I call myself the Tattooed Mom

And some more...

Now this little man kept shooting me with his little foam dart toy!
Now in between all this fun-ness I want to get serious for a moment with one thing that bugs me about some people. While having a conversation with a stranger that (clearly) doesn't know me or my son I had been talking about Lestat when they looked puzzled and asked why he doesn't talk yet or other things since he is 4 years old. I responded in my usual casual (but yet underlying defiant) tone of saying "Oh, he has Down Syndrome" And the first response this person has to that is "OMG I'm so sorry!"...........
But instead of verbally maiming this stranger for life, I swallow the screaming profanities bubbling up and chokingly but calmly say "No, there's nothing to be sorry about. He is an absolute doll and has no health problems." They smile politely and move on in the conversation. Now this is one thing I have wondered about since the first person said it to me when Lestat was only 2 months old. How does a person immediately go to "I'm Sorry" ?????? Maybe it's the controversial thriving defiance in me that wants to look at them with crazy eyes and say "You don't know me, You don't know my son, and You don't know the situation!" My son is utterly perfect in every way and I'm outraged that you offer condolences to something that makes him special in every sense of the word! So this is my raging and now here is my question. What on earth are you sorry for? For me? For him? For both of us? And WHY? Look at these pictures and tell me what you see and if there's anything for you to be sorry about.
My Tiny Chef!
 Feeling Sorry Still? Maybe not?
Always so happy! (And he inherited my mouth)
 I didn't think so.
What's Cookin Good Lookin?
 And why? Because there's nothing to be sorry about!
Racing around the room!
 This is a typical evening minus the camera lol. Lestat is so energetic and playful and we have a blast together!
Mother and Son...and bra lol
 He even cooperates by saying "eeeeee!" for Cheese sometimes! lol
Can't get enough of this boy!
 I love him more than anything in this world.
Tattooed Mom, Perfect Son.
And this is what our life looks like. Maybe to strangers it's not perfect but it doesn't have to be. Our labels don't define us unless we want them to. Love is the center and that's all that matters.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Learning To Blog

Alright. So I'm new at this whole blogging thing but I decided to jump on board! I will work on making it better once I get my feet wet. To start off though, I want to talk about my amazing son. He is the most loving child I have ever encountered and I love him for it so much! I had to put him in a time out today and he was sad but when it was okay to get up he jumped up and gave me such a HUGE hug and kiss! It melted my heart that this sweet little child wanted to show his love for me even though I had "yelled" at him. I am truly blessed to be his mother and couldn't love anything more! So to all you churchy moms who've seen me at the playground with him in a tank and all my tats and thought that was a good reason to shoo your child/children away from me and my son....
Piss Off and have a nice day LOL