Shepherds We Shall Be

Shepherds We Shall Be

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

YIKES it's been awhile

So I am so very behind in my blogging! It's been over a month and I'm finally catching up on reading everyones and putting up this little skittle. I can however explain the gap with several words.
Steve has been home.
And my laptop broke. So his laptop is the only internet source in the house besides my phone and blogging is just not as good on a cell screen. So he has had his butt glued to his computer everyday without fail and I barely have stepped on it because the second I do, he wants it back. Man I don't know how you married people do it! I just need some girlfriends I think cuz the man is driving me crazy! Way too much interaction lol. Thankfully I'll be coming home in one month for my visit! CANNOT WAIT!!!!
July seriously better fly cuz I can't stand it! My parents and niece are coming here first and then I go out with Lestat for almost 2 weeks! YAY! And what else? Oh, I started exercising yesterday so I'm only 2 days in and I freaking hate it! lol I know exercise is supposed to give you endorphins and all that but it legitimately pisses me off. I hate it. I hate watching what I eat too because I feel horrendously denied all the good stuff! Grrr. But....2 weddings to go to in a month....pressure here at home....translates into me trying to lose weight. I'm sure if results ever end up surfacing I won't be as pissy about it. Not likely but maybe. Until that day I am forcing myself to do this, it doesn't mean I like it!
To end on a better note, my lilies finally bloomed! The red came in first and they're the only ones I've uploaded pics of so far but I also have orange and white! The white ones are gorgeous!!! 
I love lilies, they're my absolute favorite.